Join a Mastermind



Emma facilitates a productive peer-coaching environment in which executive women confidentially, and candidly, explore sensitive topics of professional and personal development and experience impactful and life-changing results.


Build Your Own

Team up with 4 or 5 other teammates in your own, customized mastermind group facilitated by Emma for 6 or 12 months. Working with Emma, you will define the topics you wish to cover and desired outcomes against which progress will be measured.


Swallowtail’s mastermind groups for entrepreneurs and solopreneurs are a solution to the inherent challenges that accompany start-up ventures and provide a collegiate and safe environment to creatively explore ideas with others.

We invite you to a discovery call.

Swallowtail Group™ Masterminds are specifically tailored to each individual group of five women, working with Emma as a facilitator. These groups are private to enable psychological safety and confidentiality, encouraging participants to be fully authentic and to minister to each other.

Please submit the form below and you’ll receive an email with next steps.